Is It Time To Bin Your Bra?

Aaron Black are appealing to the local community for donations of bras. Against Breast Cancer’s bra recycling scheme take unwanted or unloved bras and through their network of bra banks raises vital funds for pioneering breast cancer.
Please contact Funeral Arranger Khadijah Miller on 020 8364 2255 between 10am and 2pm Monday to Friday or email to discuss how and when to make your donation.
Is It Time To Bin Your Bra?

Thomas Bragg & Sons in Knowle are appealing to the local community for donations of old or unwanted bras. Against Breast Cancer’s bra recycling scheme take unwanted or unloved bras and through their network of bra banks raises vital funds for pioneering breast cancer research.
Please contact Funeral Arranger Kathryn Wagg at the Knowle office on 01564 773610 or email to discuss how and when to make your donation.
Hamper Delivery Delights Care Home Residents

Jim and Wendy from James Dykes Funeral Service delighted the residents at West Park Residential Home with the donation of a treat hamper.
The hamper was filled with biscuits and cakes for the residents to enjoy a virtual Macmillan coffee morning.
Saying Goodbye To Popular Deputy Headteacher

On the 1st October 2020 John Blenkiron & Sons Funeral Directors had the honour of conducting the funeral of local teacher Mr Clark from Richmond School.
Funeral Director Carl Tate, a former student of Mr Clark led the funeral procession for the dearly loved and highly respected Deputy Headteacher, alongside his team, many of whom had also been taught by Mr Clark. The team wore Ancient Clark Tartan ties, specially sourced to represent Mr Clark’s Scottish roots.
The Mayor of Richmond also attended, and the streets were lined through the town owing to coronavirus restrictions only permitting 30 mourners inside the church.
Steven Mears Supports Hospice Care Week

Steven Mears Funeral Directors in Lewisham went ‘yellow’ for Hospice Care Week.
Funeral Arranger Jackie Stacey created a window display in honour of St Christopher’s Hospice for this annual week of activity to raise the profile of the hospice.
Banfield And Pomphrey Window Supporting The Hastings Bonfire Society

As well as being a Funeral Director at Banfield & Pomphrey, Tony Hart is also a voluntary member of Hastings Borough Bonfire Society.
Hastings Borough Bonfire Society (HBBS) seeks to continue and promote the custom which celebrates Gunpowder Treason Day and 2020 marks 26 years since the first Hastings Bonfire.
With regret Hastings Borough Bonfire Society had to cancel the 2020 annual Hastings Bonfire Celebration, which was due to take place on Saturday 10th October.
At 9.00pm, on Saturday 10th October 2020 members will don their traditional regalia and light bonfires in their own gardens as well as six flaming torches (in compliance with the Rule of Six) which will burn for about an hour. They will also record the Bonfire chant and share this through the Hastings Borough Bonfire Society Facebook page.
Hastings Bonfire 2021 is scheduled to take place on Saturday 16th October. Please follow the Hastings Borough Bonfire Society Facebook page for updates or visit for more information.
Funeral Director Tony Hart created this window display in honour of the 2021 celebration and will continue with his efforts with the society to bring this event back to the community in 2021.
Every Poppy Counts

Every poppy makes a difference to the lives of our Armed Forces community. To find out more visit The Royal British Legion
Miles & Daughters in Binfield is ready for Remembrance Day 2020. They have created their window display early, which will be in place until after Remembrance Sunday, 8th November 2020.
Baby Loss Awareness Week

The team at ML Williams have created a beautiful window display to mark Bay Loss Awareness Week (9-15 October 2020) in the UK.
Now, in its 18th year, Baby Loss Awareness Week aims to raise awareness about pregnancy and baby death in the UK.
Thank you to the team for raising awareness and showing support.
Watching The Flowers Grow

Funeral Arranger Barbara Wilson from John Gray & Co delivered a selection of plants to local nursing homes in Holywood.
The blooms were donated to bring cheer to the residents during the coronavirus pandemic and will hopefully brighten up their garden.
Sponsorship Spans More Than A Century

Houston & Williamson have provided sponsorship towards the printing of the North Belfast Working Men’s Club historical review. First published in 1910, Houston & Williamson are one of only four surviving local businesses from the original publication.
New Wheelchair For Keen Basketball Player

James Brown and Terry Weir from James Brown and Sons, Lisburn Road presented a cheque to Windsor Presbyterian Church in support of the purchase of a sports wheelchair for a child who plays for Northern Ireland after his wheelchair was broken during the lockdown.
Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud!

James Brown & Son, Dundonald worked with Ballybeen Men’s Shed to deliver a ‘Mud-kitchen’ to Tor-Bank Primary School.
Men’s Sheds are community spaces where men can enjoy practical hobbies, make friends, learn, and share new skills.
A mud kitchen brings together cooking with life-size utensils and role play from the home and outdoor environment into one sensory experience.
Helping Local People In Crisis

The team from Mulholland’s Funeral Directors have made a generous donation to Carrickfergus Foodbank.
Carrickfergus Foodbank provides 3 days of emergency food for local people in crisis.
Food Bank Donation

James Blenkiron & Sons, Barnard Castle have become a donation drop-off point for Durham Food bank.
The donations are taken to St Mary’s Parish Church where they are collected daily and taken to the distribution centre at Bishop Auckland.
Speak to a member of our team today to find out how to make your donation and help others in need.
Items in particular need include Items needed include pet food supplies and Christmas related foods and snacks.
Eastbourne Funeral Arranger Aims To Raise Thousands For St Wilfrid’s Hospice With Country Single

Award-nominated country music artist and Funeral Arranger of Payne & Sons Funeral Directors, Eastbourne, Michelle Kinneavy, aims to raise thousands of pounds for St Wilfrid’s Hospice with a new single.
Michelle, known by her stage name Belle Cannon, will donate proceeds from her cover of the hymn ‘How Great Thou Art’, to her local hospice until £3,000 has been raised.
She said: “As a funeral arranger I see there’s never been a greater need for end of life care in Eastbourne due to the COVID-19 pandemic. And as a musician, I know how to raise awareness.”
Belle moved to Nashville, Tennessee in her 20s where she fell in love with country music and began touring the state with her own songs.
She released her debut album Rewind featuring Grammy Award-winning guitarist and two-time CMA Musician of the Year Brent Mason, which was nominated for Best Album and Best Single at the British Country Music Awards.
Belle decided to care for those coping with loss after losing several family members of her own and became Funeral Arranger at Payne & Sons after working in palliative care for several years.
She has since combined her passion for care and music by releasing fundraising singles for healthcare charities, including a cover of the song ‘Queen of Hearts’ for the British Heart Foundation.
She said: “I want to support causes dear to my heart as a funeral arranger, as well as challenge old-fashioned perceptions of the industry, and music captures people’s imaginations like nothing else.”
Belle’s single was produced in Nashville and features vocals from Just Choir based in London.
Sarah Marsh, Community Fundraising Manager at St Wilfrid’s Hospice, said: “This is the first time someone has released a fundraising single for St Wilfrid’s. We are excited and proud to be the charity that Belle has chosen to support with this.
“We are grateful to everyone at Payne & Sons for the support they have given the hospice over many years. The hospice relies on the continued generosity of local people and businesses to provide care to patients and their families during the most difficult of times, and we wish Belle great success with the project.”
How Great Thou Art by Belle Cannon can be streamed on iTunes, Spotify and Amazon Music, with all proceeds up to £3,000 being donated to St Wilfrid’s Hospice.
Giving A Home To Nature

Funeral Service Operative Paul Rayner has been making good use of waste whilst giving a home to nature at the same time.
By recycling waste Paul has created ‘Buggingham Pallets’ hoping to attract lots of wild life. This bug mansion will be beneficial particularly during winter, offering shelter or refuge for many types of insects. Hopefully all the residents enjoy their stay!
Remembrance Window

The 2020 Remembrance Day window at WH Putnam in Harrow was created by our very imaginative Funeral director Lee Dimmock.
Every year we decorate our windows in support of the fallen and the Royal British Legion.