The team from Blackheath Funeral Service organised a memorial balloon release in remembrance of Mother’s, Step-Mothers and Grandmothers for Mothering Sunday. The service took place on Saturday 30th March at St John’s Church and was organised by Funeral Arranger Jill Avery, Funeral Director Donna Hayes and Funeral Service Operative Nick Dear.
Those in attendance enjoyed a hot drink and cakes inside the church whilst balloons and memorial tags were prepared before being invited into the church garden. There were prayers and a reading by Reverend Eddie Scrase-Field before each balloon was released.
Upon release there was a moment for quiet reflection as the balloons made their way up into the spring sky before everyone was once more invited inside to partake in more refreshments and share memories of their loved ones.
Jill said: ‘ It was such a lovely morning and the weather was gorgeous. We were very lucky.’