E Sargeant & Son in Slough also took part in the appeal with the aim of trying to engage with as many individuals and organisations as possible in order to receive donations of chocolate advent calendars and selection boxes to give to Home-Start Slough who work with vulnerable families.
The team sent out a poster to as many contacts as possible, some of whom then distributed it amongst their contacts with 350+ items received at the Slough office ( including some toys and toiletries )
The Sargeant’s team would like to thank the following :
Slough Borough Council who kindly set up ‘donation’ points across their offices
Kingways URC, Slough
St Thomas’ Church, Colnbrook
Meet and Mingle
Tesco Extra in Slough
Friends of Salt Hill Park
St Mary’s Church, Slough
The many individuals who donated
To find out more about the work of Home Start Slough visit their website www.hsslough.co.uk