Gathering donations for vulnerable newborns and their families

The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust Charity teamed up with Roy Quinton Funeral Directors in Bushbury to appeal for donations for vulnerable families and their newborns at the local New Cross Hospital.

Funeral Arranger Debbie Ralph and Leanne Bood, Fundraising Co-ordinator at The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust, have begun asking Wolverhampton residents to donate brand new nappies, clothes, toothbrushes, toothpaste and other essentials for vulnerable mothers and their babies who are born at New Cross Hospital.

Debbie said: “Many women who come to give birth at New Cross Hospital don’t have a lot of the basic essentials for themselves and their babies that others take for granted.

“Myself and the NHS Trust want to go above and beyond the minimum and are asking people in Wolverhampton to donate what they can to vulnerable women in the community.”

Leanne and Debbie recently met to discuss what support Roy Quinton Funeral Directors could provide to help patients at the Trust.

Leanne said:  “Debbie very kindly said she would like to help support the charity so I told her about our initiative to help vulnerable mothers in New Cross Hospital’s maternity ward and she jumped at the opportunity.

“We are very grateful for the support we get from our local community and could not run these campaigns without people like Debbie and her team.”

Debbie and Leanne are also gathering Christmas gifts from locals for the elderly in New Cross Hospital’s Stroke Unit, Dementia and Care of the Elderly wards.

Debbie said: “I have seen firsthand, when my mum and dad were in and out of hospitals, that some elderly people just have no visits around Christmas.

“The Trust wants to give them some joy on Christmas Day and let them know someone is always thinking about them.”

Leanne added: “Everyone deserves a gift around Christmas and we want to make sure no one is left out.”

To make a donation to these appeals and find out more about how you can support The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust Charity, please contact Leanne by emailing or call 01902 694473

Credit: The Clinical Photography Team at the Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust