Funeral firms battle it out in quiz night

Area Development Manager Garry Hughes from Henry Ison & Sons Funeral Directors organised a quiz night on 30 June to raise funds for the Coventry North Rotary Club.

The evening saw a great turnout, with 38 participants being split into seven teams, including two teams from Henry Ison & Sons Funeral Directors, two teams from Thomas Bragg & Sons Funeral Directors, one team from William H Painter Funeral Directors in Greater Birmingham and two teams from the Coventry North Rotary Club.

The event was held at the Bulls Head Pub in Coventry, with the manager of the pub kindly donating the use of the upstairs function room free of charge. The evening raised £155.80 for the Rotary Club, which will go towards the many charities they support. After a keenly-contested contest, one of the Henry Ison & Sons teams was declared the winner.

Gary said: “A big thanks to The Bulls Head Pub for donating their function room and facilities. The evening was excellent and was a great way to raise some money for charity, as well as getting staff together to build relationships with those from other Funeral Partners branches around the area.”