By day, Paul Rayner is a full-time Funeral Service Operative at Huddersfield Funeral Home. But in his spare time, Paul is a keen biker who enjoys raising money for charity.
Which is why on April 9th 2017, he joined a thousand bikers in bunny costumes, chicken outfits and leathers, taking part in the Squires annual egg run in aid of Yorkshire Air Ambulance and Rydelade Special Families.
Paul, through sponsorship by Huddesfield Funeral Home, gave a £25 donation to the charity pot as well as £25 worth of Easter eggs, which the charities handed over to good causes.
The ride took place from Squires Café at Sherburn-in-Elmet to Malton Market Place in North Yorkshire, on a bright, sunny day. Paul said: “It was a fantastic event with nice weather and I’d like to thank Funeral Partners for their wonderful support.”