Focus Birmingham were delighted to receive a cheque for £1,600 from William H Painter Funeral Directors in Yardley. This year Focus Birmingham was chosen as the recipient for all funds raised through the sale of Choice funeral plans. As well as offering the consumer a discount, a £50 donation was made by Choice to Focus for each plan taken out. In total, 140,000 households in the Birmingham area received a leaflet.
Jasmin Rana, Marketing & Fundraising Manager for Focus Birmingham said, “This was a great opportunity for Focus Birmingham to raise the profile of the work we do locally in Birmingham for people living with sight loss and disability. We are extremely grateful to have received this donation from William H Painter and want to thank Choice for their contribution.”
Focus Birmingham is a specialist charity providing expert support, advice and information to anyone in the Birmingham area affected by sight loss or other disabilities as well as enabling them to lead independent and fulfilling lives in an inclusive society.’ Find more about the work they do here and for more information on the Choice prepaid funeral plan visit the Choice website