Bereavement support
We are glad to be able to offer help and support at this difficult time. Our funeral directors often have generations of experience working with local families to arrange funerals for loved ones, and the first person to speak to after a death is a funeral director. We are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a week.
0808 164 2239
Open Monday to Friday 9:00am – 6:00pm and Saturday 10:00am – 2:00pm
NBS is a not-for-profit organisation, delivering free, impartial and helpful practical and emotional advice to people who are bereaved, as well as those preparing for future incapacity and death, whether their own or those of people they care for.
Through a free helpline, email or webchat, fully-trained bereavement advisers benefiting from real, professional and lived experiences, provide immediate emotional support and suggest trusted organisations for longer-term help and guidance with grief.
Death administration can be daunting. Practical information and advice from our NBS advisers help those dealing with a death to navigate everything from how to register a death, to help with understanding probate, the legal tasks that may be needed, whether you can do it yourself or whether you need a solicitor, how much legal help might cost and how long processes might take. Professional support helps clients to make the right choices for their own circumstances.
There are many other organisations that provide a variety of practical information or emotional support after a bereavement:

Available 24 hours every day. A confidential emotional support service for anyone experiencing feelings of distress or despair for any reason, including those which could lead to suicide.
Call: 116 123

Child Death Helpline
A helpline for anyone of any age affected by the death of a child (from pregnancy to adulthood) in any circumstances. All calls are answered by parents who have experienced bereavement.
0800 282 986 freephone (or 0808 800 6019 free for main network mobiles).

Government Services and Information
Government services and information all in one place - this website has lots of information and links to lots of other useful sites, including local authorities.

NHS Choices
Information about local health services and lots of medical/health advice and information about a huge variety of conditions and much more.

Citizens Advice
This website has an excellent range of information on many issues.

Money Advice Service
Free impartial advice service helping people manage their money and tackle debt.

Dying Matters
Dying Matters is a coalition of individual and organisational members across England and Wales, which aims to help people talk more openly about dying, death and bereavement, and to make plans for the end of life.
Further Reading: Tributes and donations
As part of our service, we offer online donations, tributes and a funeral notice page.