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How to send a funeral invitation and ask people to a funeral
Inviting friends and relatives to a loved one’s funeral service or memorial service can feel overwhelming while you and your family are grieving. However, there are a number of ways you can create meaningful yet simple funeral invitations.

How to write a funeral invitation or letter
Many people have experience writing invitations for events such as birthday parties, but you may feel unsure on how to appropriately ask friends and family to pay their respects at a funeral or memorial service.
It’s important to know that your invite can be both thoughtful and informative without needing to be complicated or elaborate. Try including details such as:
- A happy photo of the loved one
- The time, date and location of the funeral
- Information about the wake if one is taking place
- A brief homage to the deceased, including where they lived and what they did
- Information regarding flowers or charity contributions in lieu of flowers
- Whether the service is private or public
- RSVP details
Consider using phrases like ‘respectfully invite you’, ‘thoughtfully’, ‘the funeral service in loving memory of’, ‘rest in peace’ and ‘to celebrate the life of’ at the beginning of the invitation. You may also want to include who the person is to you, such as a loving husband or father.
It’s a good idea to also mention any special requests your loved one may have had, such as what they would like people to wear to the funeral.
Do you send invitations to a funeral?
Invitations are traditionally sent in the mail with more personal invites made over the phone. More recently, however, technology has made invitations quicker and easier to share with friends and family online.
Social media can be used to help you notify friends and family anywhere in the country or across the world to both the passing of your loved one and the funeral service without the need for physical invitations.
Consider starting a private Facebook page where people can share memories of the deceased, view the order of service and confirm their attendance to the funeral at the touch of a button.
MuchLoved, the online tribute service, is also a great way to share the funeral details and for friends and family to leave messages of condolence, as well as donate to charities in memory of the deceased. This free service is available at all Funeral Partners funeral homes.
Emails invitations can reach people who may not be connected on social media and remains one of the most popular ways of inviting family and friends.
You may wish to make a public announcement of your loved one’s death by placing an obituary in the local newspaper. This usually describes the life and personality of the person who has died, as well as the details of the upcoming funeral service. The costs will vary by each publication.

How to make a funeral invitation
Funeral invitations are personal to everyone, whether you want to create them yourself, send ‘e-vites’ from invitation templates or have a company make them for you.
Your funeral director will be able to support you with a large range of stationery, products, services and invitation templates should you choose to make the funeral invites. You can also purchase packs of cards with decorative covers that are blank inside and write or type notes that can be inserted and handed out or posted.
There are plenty of easy-to-learn design tools, such as Canva, that can also help you produce intimate, personalised and high-quality invitations for both print and digital distribution
There are a number of companies that can make invitations with your guidance, including:
E-cards can be just as personal and sent out in an instant, be it through email, social media or dedicated providers such as Evite.
There are many options available when it comes to making and sending out funeral invitations. However, it’s crucial to do what is right for you and your family during your time of grief to avoid feeling overwhelmed.
Our experienced arrangers at your local Funeral Partners funeral home can advise and support you with the funeral notice information, obituaries and any invitations required.
Visit the Funeral Partners website to find out more.
Step by step guide
There are several steps in the Funeral Planning process you will have to consider.
Types of funerals
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What happens at a cremation service?
Cremations are fast becoming the norm in Britain with over 70% of families choosing this type of
Further Reading: Cost of a funeral
Find out about funeral costs and what financial support could be available.