Our team from Doves Funeral Directors, Swanley, supported the annual Armed Forces Day held at Swanley Recreation Ground on 30 June.
Funeral Arrangers Lorraine Wormley, Rachel O’Donoghue, Bill Wyatt and Matthew Day raised £158 for the Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund at their stall where they held a fundraising raffle and were on hand to answer questions from the local community.
The star raffle prize was a hamper donated by Steve Coyle from Choice Funeral Plans, alongside other items donated by colleagues.
Lorraine said: “I would like to say a special thank you to Karen at the Bexley branch for all her donations to our raffle prizes. We had a wonderful day talking to families we have worked with and meeting many new people in Swanley. We met the Mayoress of Swanley Lesley Dyball and Toni Roast who organised the event.
“We had a great opportunity to answer many questions on funerals, funeral plans, masonry and general questions about the subject of death which people usually keep to themselves. It was a huge success and we have already confirmed we shall be there next year.”